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4 matching references were found.

Khristoforov, A.V., Mechanism of the effect of carbon dioxide on the viscosity and volumetric expansion of n-paraffins, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1988, 31, 7, 42. [all data]

Khristoforov, A.V.; Dautov, R.A., Dissolution of Gaseous Carbon Dioxide in Liquid n-Heptane as a Phase Transition of the First Kind, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 2656. [all data]

Borisov, V.M.; Vysikailo, F.I.; Ivanova, E.G.; Khristoforov, O.B., Laws governing the fluorescence of KrF* and XeF* excimer molecules in a volume discharge, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. Engl. Transl., 1985, 15, 791-796, In original 1196. [all data]

Khristoforov, V.L.; Zvonkova, E.N.; Evstigneeva, R.P., J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1974, 44, 876. [all data]