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2 matching references were found.

Meyer, M.M.; Khairallah, G.N.; Kass, S.R.; O'Hair, R.A.J., Gas-Phase Synthesis and Reactivity of the Lithium Acetate Enolate Anion, -CH2CO2Li, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Engl., 2009, 48, 16, 2934-2936, . [all data]

Alali, F.; Hudaib, M.; Aburjai, T.; Khairallah, K.; Al-Hadidi, N., GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from the stem of the Jordanian toothbrush tree Salvadora persica, Pharm. Biol., 2004, 42, 8, 577-580, . [all data]