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Keyes, F.G.; Beattie, J.A., A calorimeter for measuring specific heats and heats of vaporization of liquids. The specific heat and heat of vaporization of liquid ethyl ether at 0° and 12°, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1924, 46, 1753-1760. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., Thermal Conductivity of Gases, Trans. ASME, 1954, 76, 809-816. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Vines, R.G., The Thermal Conductivity of Nitrogen and Argon, J. Heat Transfer, 1965, 87, 177. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., 1954, Trans. ASME, 1955, 77, 1395. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., Thermal Conductivity of Gases, Trans. ASME, 1954, 76, 809-17. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., 1951 and Mixtures, Trans. ASME, 1952, 74, 1303. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., A Summary of Viscosity and Heat-Conduction Data for He, A, H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2, H2O, and Air, Trans. ASME, 1951, 73, 589. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., Measurements of the Heat Conductivity of Nitrogen-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures, Trans. ASME, 1951, 73, 597-603. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., The consistency of the thermodynamic data for water substance vapor phase to 550!31c part vii, J. Chem. Phys., 1949, 17, 923-34. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., , Off. Nav. Res., Contract 78, Proj. Design No. NR-058-- 037, MIT, USA, 1949. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., Gas properties: V vapor pressure, specific volumes, and pressure-volume- temperature data for water, ammonia, methane, and ethylene, with comments on mixtures, Trans. ASME, 1948, 70, 641-4. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., The thermodynamic properties of water substance 0!31 to 150!31, J. Chem. Phys., 1947, 15, 602-12. [all data]
Collins, S.C.; Keyes, F.G., The heat capacity and pressure variation of the enthalpy for steam from 38 to 125 c: V steam research program, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 1938, 72, 283. [all data]
Keenan, J.H.; Keyes, F.G., Thermodynamic properties of steam including data for the liquid and solid phases. in Thermodynamic Properties of Steam, 1st ed., Wiley-Inter science, New York, 1936. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Smith, L.B.; Gerry, H.T., The specific volume of steam in the saturated and superheated condition together with derived values of the enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity and joule thomson coefficients part IV steam research prog, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 1936, 70, 319-65. [all data]
Smith, L.B.; Keyes, F.G.; Gerry, H.T., The vapor pressure of water: II steam research program, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 1934, 69, 137-69. [all data]
Smith, L.B.; Keyes, F.G., The volumes of unit mass of liquid water and their correlation as a function of pressure and temperature: III steam research program, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 1934, 69, 285-312. [all data]
Uhlig, H.H.; Kirkwood, J.G.; Keyes, F.G., The dependence of the dielectric constants of gases on temperature and density, J. Chem. Phys., 1933, 1, 155-9. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Collins, S.C., The pressure variation of the heat function as a direct measure of the van der waals forces, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 1932, 18, 328-33. [all data]
Smith, L.B.; Keyes, F.G., Some Additional Volume Data for Superheated Steam, Mech. Eng., 1931, 53, 135. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., The Pressure Volume Temperature Values for Ammonia to One Thousand Atmospheres From 30 to 200, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1931, 53, 965-967. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Smith, L.B., Some final Values for the Properties of Saturated and Superheated Water., Trans. ASME, 1931, 53, 132. [all data]
Kirkwood, J.G.; Keyes, F.G., The equation of state of helium, Phys. Rev., 1931, 37, 832-40. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Kirkwood, J.G., The dielectric constant of ammonia as a function of temperature and density, Phys. Rev., 1930, 36, 1570-75. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Burks, H.G., The Equation of State for Binary Mixtures of Methane and Nitrogen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1928, 50, 1100-6. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Burks, H.G., The Isometrics of Gaseous Methane, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1927, 49, 1403-10. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Kennedy, H.T., Refrig. Eng., 1927, 3, 32. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Beattie, J.A., A calorimeter for measuring specific heats and heats of vaporization of liquids the specific heat and heat of vaporization of liquid ethyl ether at 0 and 12, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1924, 46, 1753-60. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 89. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Smith, L.B.; Joubert, D.B., The equation of state for methane gas phase, J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 191-210. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Taylor, R.S.; Smith, L.B., The thermodynamic properties of methane, J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 211-42. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Townshend, B.; Young, L.H., The establishing of the absolute temperature scale below the melting point of ice, J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 243-312. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Townshend, B.; Young, L.H., J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 302. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Townshend, B.; Young, L.H., J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1922, 1, 310. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., The isometrics of the ammonia superheated region and the vapor pressure of liquid ammonia, ASRE J., 1921, 7, 371-9. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Smith, L.B.; Joubert, D.B., The equation of state for methane gas phase, J. Math. Phys. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1921, 1, 191-210. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1920, 42, 54. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Felsing, W.A., The equation of state for liquids and vapors I the vapor phase of ethyl ether, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1919, 41, 589-621. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Brownlee, R.B., The Vapor Pressure of Liquid Ammonia up to the Critical Temperature, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1918, 40, 25-45. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Kennedy, H.T., Refrig. Eng., 1917, 3, 4, 32. [all data]
Keyes, F.G., A new equation of continuity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 1917, 3, 323-330. [all data]
Keyes, F.G.; Babcock, H.A., The thermodynamic constants of ammonia I the heat-capacity of liquid ammonia, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1917, 39, 1524-37. [all data]
Keenan, J.H.; Keyes, F.G.; Hill, P.G.; Moore, J.G., Steam Tables. Thermodynamic Properties of Water Including Vapor, Liquid and Solid Phases, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1969. [all data]