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Author:Keto, J.

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5 matching references were found.

Keto, J.W.; Gleason, R.E., Jr.; Walters, G.K., Production mechanisms and radiative lifetimes of argon and xenon molecules emitting in the ultraviolet, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1974, 33, 1365. [all data]

Keto, J.W.; Gleason, R.E., Jr.; Bonifield, T.D.; Walters, G.K.; Soley, F.K., Collisional mixing of the lowest bound molecular states in xenon and argon, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1976, 42, 125. [all data]

Proffitt, M.H.; Keto, J.W.; Frommhold, L., Collision-induced spectra of the helium isotopes, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1980, 45, 1843-1846. [all data]

Kuo, C.-Y.; Keto, J.W., Dissociative recombination in electron-beam excited argon at high pressures, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 78, 1851-1860. [all data]

Bowering, N.; Raymond, T.D.; Keto, J.W., Enhanced quenching at reduced internuclear separations of xenon collision pairs, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1984, 52, 1880-1883. [all data]