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8 matching references were found.

Mink, J.; Ayoub, A.; Kemeny, G.; Kling, F., The 1-0 band and rotational-vibrational constants of 14C-labeled carbon monoxide, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1981, 86, 258-261. [all data]

Samson, J.A.R.; Kemeny, P.C.; Haddad, G.N., Double ionization of CO2 by photon impact, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1977, 51, 75. [all data]

Miklos, D.; Kemeny, S.; Almasy, G.; Kollar-Hunek, K., Thermodynamic consistency of data banks, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1995, 110, 89-113. [all data]

Deak, A.; Kemeny, S.; Sawinsky, J.; Simandi, B., Cubic equations for calculation of solid-fluid phase equilibria, Magy. Kem. Lapja, 1994, 49, 177-81. [all data]

Kemeny, S.; Chikany, G.; Thury, E.; Lang, P.; Miklos, D., Data treatment-from the laboratory to industry, Pure Appl. Chem., 1989, 61, 1033. [all data]

Kollar-Hunek, K.; Kemeny, S.; Thury, E.; Manczinger, J., Thermodynamic control test of vapor-liquid equilibrium data, Magy. Kem. Foly., 1987, 93, 152. [all data]

Kollar-Hunek, K.; Kemeny, S.; Heberger, K.; Angyal, P.; Thury, E., Thermodynamic consistency test for binary VLE data., Fluid Phase Equilib., 1986, 27, 405. [all data]

Lukacs, J.; Kemeny, S.; Manczinger, J.; Tettamanti, K., Importance of the real behavior of the vapour phase for the evaluation of vapour-liquid equilibrium data, Period. Polytech., Chem. Eng., 1976, 20, 47. [all data]