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Author:Keiser, L.

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3 matching references were found.

Keiser, L.S.; Retunskii, V.N.; Yazlovetskii, I.G., Gas chromatographic identification of sterols in insects. Estimation of retention data reproducibility, Zh. Anal. Khim., 1990, 45, 1767-1773. [all data]

Vylegzhanina, G.F.; Keiser, L.S., Determination of the heats of solution of the insecticide gardona and its metabolites in the stationary phase and their Kovats retention indices, Zh. Anal. Khim., 1976, 31, 1, 171-173. [all data]

Keiser, L.S.; Yazlovetsky, I.G.; Retunsky, V.N., Gas-chromatographic indentification of sterols in insects with the use of two-dimentional three-phase diagrams plotted on the basis of logarithmic retention indices, J. Anal. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1986, 41, 9, 1166-1172. [all data]