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Author:Kanani, M.

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3 matching references were found.

Sonboli, A.; Azizian, D.; Yousefzadi, M.; Kanani, M.R.; Mehrabian, A.R., Volatile constituents and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Tetrataenium lasiopetalum (Apiaceae) from Iran, Flavour Fragr. J., 2007, 22, 2, 119-122, . [all data]

Sonboli, A.; Fakhari, A.; Kanani, M.R.; Yousefzadi, M., Antimicrobial activity, essential oil composition and micromorphology of trichomes of Satureja laxiflora C. Koch from Iran, Z. Naturforsch. C:, 2004, 59, 11-12, 777-781. [all data]

Sonboli, A.; Kanani, M.R.; Yousefzadi, M.; Mojarrad, M., Biological activity and composition of the essential oil of Tetrataenium nephrophyllum (Apiaceae) from Iran, Natural Product Communications, 2007, 2, 12, 1249-1252. [all data]