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Author: | Kamalasanan, M. |
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3 matching references were found.
Kamalasanan, M.N., New band system of SrI molecule in the region 4900-5250 Å, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 1975, 13, 124. [all data]
Kamalasanan, M.N.; Shah, S.G., New band system of CaI molecule in the region 4600-4950 Å, Curr. Sci., 1975, 44, 805. [all data]
Nampoori, V.P.N.; Kamalasanan, M.N.; Patel, M.M., Rotational analysis of the C1Π-X1Σ+ system indium monofluoride, J. Phys. B:, 1975, 8, 2841. [all data]