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Author:Judy, C.

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4 matching references were found.

Judy, C.L.; Pontikos, N.M.; Acree, W.E., Solubility of Pyrene in Binary Solvent Mixtures Containing Cyclohexane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1987, 32, 60. [all data]

Judy, C.L.; Pontikos, N.M.; Acree, W.E., Solubility in Binary Solvent Systems 7. Comparison of Predictive Expressions Derived from the NIBS Models, Phys. Chem. Liq., 1987, 16, 179. [all data]

Acree, W.E.; Pontikos, N.M.; Judy, C.L., Solubility in Binary Solvent Systems 6. Prediction of Naphthalene and Biphenyl Solubilities Using the Wilson Model, Int. J. PHarm., 1986, 31, 225. [all data]

Judy, C.L.; Acree, W.E., Solubility in Binary Solvent Systems V. Monomer and Dimer Models for the Solubility of p-Tolylaceteic Acid in Systems of Non-specific Interactions, Int. J. Pharm., 1985, 27, 39. [all data]