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Author:Ishihara, E.

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3 matching references were found.

NISHIDA, K.; ISHIHARA, E.; OSAKA, T.; KOUKITU, M., Vapour Pressures and Heats of Sublimation of Some Disperse Dyes, J Food Science, 2008, 93, 2, 52-54, . [all data]

Nishida, K.; Ishihara, E.; Osaka, T.; Koukitu, M., Vapor pressures and heats of sublimation of some disperse dyes, Galaxia, 1978, 72, 13. [all data]

Ishihara, E.; Ogo, Y.; Imoto, T., Cage Effect and Pressure Dependence of Solvent Viscosity, Z, Physl Chem. (Leipzig), 1974, 255, 732-40. [all data]