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Author: | Igranova, E. |
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2 matching references were found.
Perepelkova, T.I.; Igranova, E.G.; Moiseev, V.D.; Demchenko, L.Ya.; Zhuravleva, I.I., Calorimetric study of the methylolation of 1,1-dimethylurea, Khim. Promst. Ser. Proizvod. Pererab. Plastmass Sint. Smol, 1981, 15-18. [all data]
Moiseev, V.D.; Avetisyan, N.G.; Perepelkova, T.I.; Igranova, E.G., Calorimetric determination of heat of reactions simulating the synthesis of polyimides and carbamide resins, Termodin. Organ. Soedin., 1982, 61-64. [all data]