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Author:Holszky, C.

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3 matching references were found.

Angelescu, E.; Holszky, C., Combinations of aromatic amines with acetic acid, An. Univ. Bucuresti, 1956, 1956, 113-21. [all data]

Angelescu, E.; Holszky, C., Aromatic amines. Study of the physicochemical properties of their combination products with formic acid, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Ser. Stiint. Nat., 1956, 9, 83-94. [all data]

Angelescu, E.; Holszky, C., Binary Mixtures Containing Amines and Butyric Acid, Acad. Repub. Pop. Rom., Bul. Stiint., Ser.: Mat., Fiz., Chim., 1950, 2, 241. [all data]