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12 matching references were found.

Hedwig, G.R.; Hoiland, H., Partial molar isentropic pressure coefficients of some N-acetyl amino acid and peptide amides at infinite dilution in aqueous solutions at the temperature 298.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1995, 27, 745-50. [all data]

Hedwig, G.R.; Hoiland, H., Thermodynamic properties of peptide solutions. 9. Partial molar isentropic pressure coefficients in aqueous solutions of sequence isomeric tripeptides with a single methyl side-chain, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1993, 25, 349-54. [all data]

Stokkeland, I.; Skauge, A.; Hoiland, H., J. Solution Chem., 1986, 16, 45-53. [all data]

Hoiland, H., Partial molal volumes, expansibilities and compressibilities for aqueous alcohol solutions between 5 c and 40 c., J. Solution Chem., 1980, 9, 857-66. [all data]

Hoiland, H., Isentropic partial molal compressibilities of alcohols in propylene carbonate at 25 c, J. Solution Chem., 1977, 6, 291-7. [all data]

Holvik, H.; Hoiland, H., Acidity Constants of Galacturonic and Glucuronic Acids in Water at 298.15 K from Conductance and E.M.F. Measurements, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1977, 9, 345-8. [all data]

Hoiland, H., Partial molal volumes of alcohols in propylene carbonate at 25 c, J. Solution Chem., 1976, 5, 773-80. [all data]

Hoiland, H.; Vikingstad, E., Partial molal volumes and additivity of group partial molal volumes of alcohols in aqueous solution at 25 and 35 c, Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A, 1976, 30, 182-6. [all data]

Hoiland, H.; Vikingstad, E., Isentropic apparent molal compressibilities of alcohols in aqueous solution: relations to van der waals radii and the scaled particle theory, Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A, 1976, 30, 692-6. [all data]

Hoiland, H.; Vikingstad, E., Partial molal volumes and volumes of ionization of hydroxycarboxylic acids in aqueous solution at 25, 30 and 35c, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1975, 71, 2007-16. [all data]

Hoiland, H., Additivity relations of partial molal volumes in carboxylic acid series, Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A, 1974, 28, 699. [all data]

Hoiland, H., Apparent molal volume of aqueous solutions of propanoic acid, butanoic acid, isobutanoic acid and their sodium salts at pressures up to 2000 bar at 25c, Acta Chem. Scand., 1973, 27, 2687-93. [all data]