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23 matching references were found.

Cohen, A.E.; Hipkin, H.G.; Koppany, C.R., Experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data for hydrogen + ethane and hydrogen + methane + ethane, Chem. Eng. Prog., Symp. Ser., 1967, 63, 81, 10-7. [all data]

Hipkin, H.G., Experimental Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Propane-Isobutane, AIChE J., 1966, 12, 484. [all data]

Cajander, B.C.; Hipkin, H.G.; Lenoir, J.M., Prediction of Equilikbriuim Ratios from Nomgrams of Improved Accuracy, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1960, 5, 251. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hipkin, H.G., Equilibrium ratios of hydrogen and the critical loci of hydrogen + paraffin mixtures, AIChE J., 1957, 3, 318-320. [all data]

Hipkin, H.G.; Myers, H.S., Vapor-Recirculating Equilibrium Still. Data on Heptane-Toluene and Methanol-Carbon Tetrachloride, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1954, 46, 2524. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Bal, M.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of ternary system pentane + cyclohexane + benzene, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1972, 17, 461-464. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpy of Two Ternary Mixtures of Benzene-Octane-Tetralin, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1972, 17, 476-478. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hipkin, H.G., Measured enthalpies for mixtures of benzene with n-pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1972, 17, 319-323. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of Decalins and of trans-Decalin and n-Pentane Mixtures, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 129-133. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of Benzene with Mixtures sof Benzene with n-Octane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 280-285. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of Mixtures of Benzene and Cyclohexane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 285. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpy Measurements for Hydrocarbon Mixtures, Proc. - Am. Pet. Inst., Div. Refin., 1971, 51, 405. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Kuravila, G.K.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of cyclohexane and mixtures of n-pentane and cyclohexane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 271-276. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Rebert, C.J.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpy of cis-2-Pentene and a Mixture with n-Pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 401-404. [all data]

Hayworth, K.E.; Lenoir, J.M.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of mixtures of benzene and hexadecane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 276-9. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Some Measurements and Predictions of Enthalpy of Hydrocarbon Mixtures, Proc. - Am. Pet. Inst., Div. Refin., 1970, No. 50, 212-46. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hayworth, K.E.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of tetralin and mixtures of tetralin and n-pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1970, 15, 474-479. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of Mixtures of n-Hexadecane and n-Pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1970, 15, 368-371. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Robinson, D.R.; Hipkin, H.G., Enthalpies of Mixtures of n-Octane and n-Pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1970, 15, 26-31. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Robinson, D.R.; Hipkin, H.G., Flow Calorimeter and Measurement of the Enthalpy of n-Pentane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1970, 15, 23-26. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Kuravila, G.K.; Hipkin, H.G., Measured Enthalpies of Binary Mixtures of Hydrocarbons with Pentane, Proc. - Am. Pet. Inst., Div. Refin., 1969, 49, 89-146. [all data]

Cohen, A.E.; Hipkin, H.G.; Koppany, C.R., Experimental vapor-liquid equilibria for hydrogen + nitrogen + methane + ethane + ethylene, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 1969, 47, 422. [all data]

Lenoir, J.M.; Robinson, D.R.; Hipkin, H.G., Measurement of Enthalpy of Pentane, Octane, and Pentane-Octane Mixtures, Proc. - Am. Pet. Inst., Div. Refin., 1968, 48, 346-96. [all data]