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Author:Hinkley, E.

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3 matching references were found.

Menzies, R.T.; Margolis, J.S.; Hinkley, E.D.; Toth, R.A., Measurement of the fundamental vibration-rotation spectrum of ClO, Appl. Opt., 1977, 16, 523-525. [all data]

Margolis, J.S.; Menzies, R.T.; Hinkley, E.D., Bandstrength determination of the fundamental vibration-rotation spectrum of ClO, Appl. Opt., 1978, 17, 1680-1682. [all data]

Hinkley, E.D.; Calawa, A.R.; Kelley, P.L.; Clough, S.A., J. Appl. Phys., 1972, 43, 3222. [all data]