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7 matching references were found.

Hellner, L.; Grattan, K.T.V.; Hutchinson, M.H.R., VUV laser-induced photofragmentation of NH3: internal energy distribution of NH(A3Π), J. Chem. Phys., 1984, 81, 4389-4395. [all data]

Besnard, M.J.; Hellner, L.; Malinovich, Y.; Dujardin, G., Discovery of an emission in NO++, J. Chem. Phys., 1986, 85, 1316-1321. [all data]

Dujardin, G.; Besnard, M.J.; Hellner, L.; Malinovitch, Y., Double photoionization of H2: an experimental test of electronic-correlation models in molecules, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1987, 35, 5012-5019. [all data]

Besnard, M.J.; Hellner, L.; Dujardin, G.; Winkoun, D., Photoion-photoion coincidence study of the fragmentation of the doubly charged N22+ cation, J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 88, 1732-1736. [all data]

Besnard, M.J.; Hellner, L.; Dujardin, G., Observation of the A2Π → X2Σ+ emission in NO2+, J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 89, 6554-6555. [all data]

Dujardin, G.; Hellner, L.; Hamdan, M.; Brenton, A.G.; Olsson, B.J.; Besnard-Ramage, M.J., Quasibound electronic states of CO2+, J. Phys. B:, 1990, 23, 1165-1173. [all data]

Dadouch, A.; Dujardin, G.; Hellner, L.; Besnard-Ramage, M.J.; Olsson, B.J., Highly excited quasistable states of neutral CO lying up to the double-ionization-energy level, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1991, 43, 6057-6065. [all data]