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Author:Hargreaves, W.D.

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8 matching references were found.

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., Viscosities of the di-hydroxy benzenes and some of their derivatives., Philos. Mag., 1946, 37, 120. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., The viscosities and structures of acid chlorides and amides., Philos. Mag., 1946, 37, 201-6. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., Philos. Mag., 1945, 36, 731. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., VII. Viscosities at the Boiling Point of some Primary Amines, Cyclohexane and some of its Derivatives., Philos. Mag., 1944, 35, 57-64. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., LXXI. viscosities and rheochors of aldehydes, nitriles and of secondary and tertiary amines., Philos. Mag., 1944, 35, 619. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., XV. viscosities of unsaturated six-membered isocyclic compounds, Philos. Mag., 1944, 35, 136-42. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., LXXVI. Viscosity at the Boiling Point--The Rheochor, Philos. Mag., 1943, 34, 643-50. [all data]

Friend, J.N.; Hargreaves, W.D., Viscosities and rheochors of nitric acid, nitroparaffins and their isomeric nitrites., Philos. Mag., 1943, 34, 810-16. [all data]