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Author: | Hanus |
9 matching references were found.
Piskorski R.; Hanus R.; Vasickova S.; Cvacka J.; Sobotnik J.; Svatos A.; Valterova I., Nitroalkenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons from the frontal gland of three Prorhinotermes termite species, J. Chem. Ecol., 2007, 33, 9, 1787-1794, . [all data]
Hanus, A., , Thesis, 1925. [all data]
Dolejsek, Z.; Hanus, V.; Prinzbach, H., Das massenspektrometrische Verhalten von Quadricyclen, Angew. Chem., 1962, 74, 902. [all data]
Turecek, F.; Hanus, V., Stereoelectronic control of ion fragmentations: Loss of hydrogen from cyclic ethers during electron impact spectrometry, Tetrahedron, 1983, 39, 1499. [all data]
Turecek, F.; Hanus, V., Loss of methyl from [H2C=C(OH)-CH3]+ ions prepared by electron impact ionzation of unstable 2-hydroxypropene, Org. Mass Spectrom., 1984, 19, 631. [all data]
Turecek, F.; Brabec, L.; Vondrak, T.; Hanus, V.; Hajicek, J.; Havlas, Z., Sulfenic acids in the gas phase. Prepration, ionization energies and heats of gormation of methane-, ethene-, ethyne- and benzenesulfenic acid, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 1988, 53, 2140. [all data]
Turecek, F.; Brabec, L.; Vondrak, t.; Hanus, V.; Hajicek, J.; Havlas, Z., Sulfenic acids in the gas phase. Preparation, ionization energies and heats of formation of methane-, ethene-, ethyne- and benzenesulfenic acid, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 1988, 53, 2140-2158. [all data]
Dolejsek, Z.; Grubner, O.; Hala, E.; Hanus, V.; Koessler, I., The purification and analyses of isoprene: II, Chem. Prum., 1961, 11, 361. [all data]
Tomiska, J.; Hanus, Z., Computation of the normal boiling point, vapor pressures and critical values of monochloroparaffins, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 1958, 23, 179-89. [all data]