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18 matching references were found.

Tkachev, A.V.; Gur'ev, A.M.; Yusubov, M.S., Acorafuran, a new sesquiterpenoid from Acorur calamus essential oil, Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 2006, 42, 6, 696-698, . [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Denisova, G.S., Extraction of butyric acid by aromatic solvents, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1976, 50, 401-4. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Shuklina, N.P., Extraction of aliphatic acids into esters and ethers, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad), 1974, 47, 2075-8. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Tsigin, B.M., Effect of nonelectrolytes on the extraction of diaminodiphenylmethane isomers, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1972, No. 1, 111-3. [all data]

Gur'ev, I.A.; Korenman, I.M.; Denisova, G.S., Extraction of organic acids, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1972, No. 1, 100. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Gur'eva, Z.M., Distribution of aliphatic compounds between diethyl ether and water, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1971, No. 1, 51-4. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Tsigin, B.M., Distribution of diaminodiphenylmethane isomers between mixtures of organic solvents and water, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1971, No. 1, 92-6. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Gladkova, L.I., Distribution of aliphatic acids between hexanol and water, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1969, No. 2, 121-3. [all data]

Korenman, I.M.; Gur'ev, I.A.; Gur'eva, Z.M., Distribution of aliphatic compounds between diethyl ether and water, Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1971, No. 1, 51-4. [all data]

Liberman, A.L.; Bragin, O.V.; Gur'yanonva, G.K.; Kazanskii, B.A., Mutual transitions of cis- and trans-1,2-dimethylcyclopentanes in the presence of a plantinum catalyst, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1963, 148, 591-4. [all data]

Evlasheva, T.I.; Puchkova, V.V.; Potapov, V.K.; Gur'yanova, E.N., Ionisation potentials and electron-donating properties of sulphones, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1975, 49, 453. [all data]

Gol'dshtein, I.P.; Gur'yanova, E.N.; Karpovich, I.R., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1965, 39, 932. [all data]

Arzamanova, I.G.; Gur'yanova, E.N., Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1964, 157, 375. [all data]

Arzamanova, I.G.; Gur'yanova, E.N.; Gol'dshtein, I.P., Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1964, 155, 1391. [all data]

Vasileva, V.N.; Gur'yanova, E.N., Dipole moments and structures of disulphides, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1959, 33, 246. [all data]

Gol'dshtein, I.P.; Traven', V.F.; Kozlov, V.I.; Pyatkina, T.V.; Gur'yanova, E.N.; Stepanov, B.I., Dipole moments and molecular refractions of aryl derivatives of mono-, di-, and tri-silanes and silacyclobutanes, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1976, 46, 2540-45. [all data]

Arzamanova, I.G.; Gur'yanova, E.N., Thermodynamic and Structural Parmeters of Intermolecular Bonds in Complexes of Organic Sulfides with Iodineo, Khim. Seraorg. Soedin., 1968, 1968, 112-9. [all data]

Gur, P.; Poklis, A.; Saady, J.; Costantino, A., Chromatographic procedures for the determination of felbamate in serum, J. Anal. Toxicol., 1995, 19, 6, 499-503, . [all data]