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3 matching references were found.

Laugt, M.; Teisseire, M.; Guion, J., Crystal data and solid-liquid transformation study by DSC of 2-hydroxmethyl-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol tetrahydrate, Powder Diffr., 1991, 6(4), 190-193. [all data]

Barrio, M.; Font, J.; Lopez, D.O.; Muntasell, J.; Tamarit, J.L.; Chanh, N.B.; Haget, Y.; Teisseire, M.; Guion, J.; Alcobe, X., Binary system neopentylglycol/pentaerythritol, J. Chim. Phys. Phys.-Chim. Biol., 1992, 89, 695-905. [all data]

Laugt, M.; Teisseire, M.; Guion, J., Crystal data and solid-liquid transformation study by DSC of 2-hydroxmethyl -2-methyl-1,3-propanediol tetrahydrate, Power Diffr., 1991, 6, 4, 190-3. [all data]