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14 matching references were found.

Gruebele, M.; Polak, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of negative ions: The ν3, ν3+ν1-ν1, ν3+ν2-ν2, and ν3+2ν2-2ν2 bands of cyanate (NCO-), J. Chem. Phys., 1987, 86, 12, 6631, . [all data]

Polak, M.; Gruebele, M.; DeKock, B.W.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of molecular ions, Mol. Phys., 1989, 66, 6, 1193, . [all data]

Polak, M.; Gruebele, M.; Peng, G.S.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of negative ions: The (011)--(001) band of azide (N-3), J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 89, 1, 110, . [all data]

Polak, M.; Gruebele, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation laser spectroscopy of negative ions. The .nu.3 band of azide anion, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1987, 109, 10, 2884, . [all data]

Polak, M.; Gruebele, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation diode laser spectroscopy of negative ions: The ν1, ν1+ν2-ν2, ν1+ν3-ν3 bands of thiocyanate (NCS-), J. Chem. Phys., 1987, 87, 6, 3352, . [all data]

Gruebele, M.; Polak, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation laser spectroscopy of vibrationally excited CF+: determination of the molecular potential function, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1986, 125, 165-169. [all data]

Gruebele, M.; Polak, M.; Blake, G.A.; Saykally, R.J., Determination of the Born-Oppenheimer potential function of CCl+ by velocity modulation diode laser spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 1986, 85, 6276-6281. [all data]

Gruebele, M.; Polak, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity modulation laser spectroscopy of negative ions: the infrared spectrum of hydrosulfide (SH-), J. Chem. Phys., 1987, 86, 1698-1702. [all data]

Owrutsky, J.; Rosenbaum, N.; Tack, L.; Gruebele, M.; Polak, M.; Saykally, R.J., Velocity-modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of molecular anions, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A, 1987, 234, 97-108. [all data]

Gruebele, M.; Keim, E.; Stein, A.; Saykally, R.J., Experimental potential functions for open and closed shell molecular ions: adiabatic and nonadiabatic corrections in X3Σ- OH+ and X1Σ+ ArH+, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1988, 131, 343-366. [all data]

Gruebele, M., Numerical potential functions for diatomic molecules. The f-potentials of CF+ and CCl+, Mol. Phys., 1990, 69, 475-496. [all data]

Heath, J.R.; Cooksy, A.L.; Gruebele, M.H.W.; Schmuttenmaer, C.A.; Saykally, R.J., Diode-laser absorption spectroscopy of supersonic carbon cluster beams: the nu 3 spectrum of C5, Science, 1989, 244, 4904, 564, . [all data]

Gruebele, M.H.W.; Muller, R.P.; Saykally, R.J., Measurement of the rotational spectra of OH+ and OD+ by laser magnetic resonance, J. Chem. Phys., 1986, 84, 2489-2496. [all data]

Heath, J.R.; Cooksy, A.L.; Gruebele, M.H.W.; Schmuttenmaer, C.A.; Saykally, R.J., Diode-Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of Supersonic Carbon Cluster Beams: The v3 Spectrum of C5., Science (Washington, D. C., 1883-), 1989, 244, 564-6. [all data]