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Author:Grigor'ev, S.M.

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5 matching references were found.

Pospelov, V.M.; Grigor'ev, S.M., Relation Between the Melting Point of Organic Compounds and the Motion of Their Molecules in Crystals, Khim. Pererab. Topl., 1965, 1965, 244. [all data]

Grigor'ev, S.M., Experiments for the obtaining of 99% pure anthracene and carbazole, Khim. Ref. Zh., 1938, 1, 58. [all data]

Grigor'ev, S.M., The obtaining of new cyclic compound raw materials for coal tar and crude benzene., Khim. Ref. Zh., 1938, 1, 120. [all data]

Grigor'ev, S.M., Experiments for the Obtaining of 99% Pure Anthracene and Carbazole, Tr. Khar'k. Nauch.-Issled. Uglekhim. Inst., 1937, No. 8, 199. [all data]

Grigor'ev, S.M., The obtaining of new cyclic compounds raw materials from coal tar and from crude benzene, Coke Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1937, No. 6, 19. [all data]