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Author:Grechkin, V.I.

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5 matching references were found.

Grechkin, V.I.; Zakurenov, V.M., Heat Capacity of A Substance in the Critical Region, Uch. Zap. - Tul. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., Fiz.-Tekh. Nauki, 1967, (1), 1967, E. 1968, Abstr. No. 8E112). [all data]

Nozdrev, V.F.; Grechkin, V.I., Determination of the Critical Curves for Ternary Mixtures by An Ultrasonic Method, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1964, 38, 2663. [all data]

Grechkin, V.I.; Nozdrev, V.F., Velocity of Ultrasound in the Ternary System Benzene-Methanol-Toluene in the Critical Region, Akust. Zh., 1963, 9, 379-381. [all data]

Grechkin, V.I.; Zakurenov, V.M., Thermodynamic Properties of Matter in the Critical Region, Uch. Zap., Kursk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., 1969, 54, 105. [all data]

Nozdrev, V.F.; Grechkin, V.I., Heat capacity of ternary mixtures of organic liquids in the liquid-vapor critical region, Uch. Zap. - Tul. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., Fiz.-Tekh. Nauki, 1967, 1, 16-23. [all data]