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4 matching references were found.

Dudeney, N.; Green, J.C.; Grebenik, P.; Kirchner, O.N., Synthesis and structural characterization of the electron rich complexes Co(η-C5Me5)(R2PCH2CH2PR2) (R = Me, Ph) photoelectron spectroscopic studies of some pentamethylcyclopentadienylphosphinecobalt complexes, J. Organomet. Chem., 1983, 252, 221. [all data]

Green, J.C.; Kelly, M.R.; Grebenik, P.D.; Briant, C.E.; McEvoy, N.A.; Mingos, D.M.P., UV photoelectron spectral and theoretical studies on tris(butadiene)-molybdenum and -tungsten, J. Organomet. Chem., 1982, 228, 239. [all data]

Brookhart, M.; Cox, K.; Cloke, F.G.N.; Green, J.C.; Green, M.L.H.; Hare, P.M.; Bashkin, J.; Derome, A.E.; Grebenik, P.D., Hexakis(trimethylphosphine)molybdenum chemistry: Dinitrogen, ethylene, butadiene, η-cyclopentadienyl, and related derivatives, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1985, 423. [all data]

Davies, C.E.; Gardiner, I.M.; Green, J.C.; Green, M.L.H.; Hazel, N.J.; Grebenik, P.D.; Mtetwa, V.S.B.; Prout, K., Mono-η-cycloheptatrienyltitanium chemistry: Synthesis, molecular and electronic structures, and reactivity of the complexes [Ti(η-C7H7)L2X] (L = tertiary phosphine, O- or N-donor ligand. X = Cl or alkyl), J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1985, 669. [all data]