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Author:Gorenflo, D.

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4 matching references were found.

Luke, A.; Koester, R.; Kaupmann, P.; Huebner, P.; Gorenflo, D., Heat transfer at boiling of mixed refrigerants R 404A and R 407C in submerged evaporators, DKV-Tagungsber., 1995, 1995, 143-158. [all data]

Buschmeier, M.; Herres, G.; Gorenflo, D., Prediction of P.V.T.X-data for mixtures of new refrigerants by cubic equations of state, Sci. Tech. Froid, 1993, No. 2, 251-62. [all data]

Buschmeier, M.; Kuenstler, W.; Herres, G.; Gorenflo, D., Phase equilibrium and densities of R 22/R 142b and R 227/R 123 systems, DKV-Tagungsber., 1992, No.19, 99-120. [all data]

Rott, W.; Gorenflo, D., Apparatus for phase equilibrium and density measurements and first results with R 22-R 114 mixtures and with the substitute R 123, DKV-Tagungsber., 1989, No. 2, 275-96. [all data]