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11 matching references were found.
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Rao, B.S.M., Variation of sound velocity through liquids with pressure, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 2704. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Keer, H.V.; Das, C.D., Imperfect vapor phase, compressibility, and force constants of liquids, Indian J. Chem., 1964, 2, 27. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Keer, H.V.; Das, C.D., Vapour pressure and intermolecular energy constants of liquids, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1962, 220, 71. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Joarder, R.N., Critical prop. of liq., Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 1977, 15, 599-600. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Swamy, K.M., Vel. of sound & significant structure theory of liq., Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1974, 255, 237. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Nammalvar, T., The equilibrium and transport properties of liquid sulfur dioxide from significant structure theory, Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 1971, 75, 77. [all data]
Swamy, K.M.; Gopala Rao, R.V., Thermodyn. of liq. H2S & CO, Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 1970, 71, 218. [all data]
Narasimha Swamy, K.; Gopala Rao, R.V., The thermodynamics of liquid hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide and significant structure theory, Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 1970, 71, 218-29. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Narasimha Swamy, K., The thermodynamics of liquid iodine monochloride and arsenic trifluoride and significant structure theory, Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 1970, 73, 215. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; Narasimha Swamy, K., The thermodynamics of liquid cd(4), hcn, c(2)n(2) and pocl(3) from significant structure theory, Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 1970, 72, 241. [all data]
Gopala Rao, R.V.; VenkataSeshaiah, V.; Gopalakrishnan, R.; Narasimha Swamy, K., A study of the liquid state from molecular point of view, J. Sci. Ind. Res., 1970, 29, 166-77. [all data]