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25 matching references were found.
Narayanan, T.; Kumar, A.; Gopal, E.S.R., A new description regarding the approach to double criticality in quasi- binary liquid mixtures, Phys. Lett. A, 1991, 155, 276-80. [all data]
Gopal, B.R.; Vani, V.C.; Guha, S.; Gopal, E.S.R., Density inversion in the binary liquid system cyclohexane + acetonitrile. Effects of doping and simplified models of the phenomenaa, J. Phys. III, 1991, 1, 639-50. [all data]
Narayanan, T.; Kumar, A.; Gopal, E.S.R., Observation of the doubling of critical exponents in reentrant phase transitions, Phys. Lett. A, 1990, 144, 371. [all data]
Gopal, E.S.R., Specific Heats at Low Temperatures, 1966. [all data]
Jayalaxmi, Y.; Guha, S.; Vani, V.C.; Gopal, E.S.R., The dielectric constant of the binary liquid system n.heptane+methanol near its critical temperature, Pramana, 1987, 28, 269. [all data]
Vani, V.; Guha, S.; Gopal, E.S.R., Coexistence curve of acetonitrile and cyclohexane liquid system, J. Chem. Phys., 1986, 84, 3999. [all data]
Nagarajan, N.; Kumar, A.; Gopal, E.S.R.; Greer, S.C., Liquid-liquid critical phenomena. the coexistance curve of n-heptane + acetic anhydride., J. Phys. Chem., 1980, 84, 2883-7. [all data]
Nagarajan, N.; Tiwari, M.K.; Jyothi, S.; Shetty, C.; Kumar, A.; Gopal, E.S.R., Expansivity of liquid cyclohexane + acetic anhydride near its critical solution point, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1980, 12, 907-18. [all data]
Sivaraman, A.; Bandyopadyay, A.K.; Padaki, V.C.; Gopal, E.S.R., Pressure dependence of the critical coexistence curve in three binary liquid mixtures in Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., Bombay, India, 20C, p 327, 1977. [all data]
Gopal, E.S.R.; Chandrasekhar, P.; Ananthakrishna, G.; Ramachandra, R.; Subramanyam, S.V., Two-phase asymmetry in the phase diagram of critical binary liquid systems: carbon disulphide + nitromethane and cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 1976, 350, 91. [all data]
Gopal, E.S.R.; Ramachandra, R.; Lele, M.V.; Chandrasekhar, P.; Nagarajan, N., A novel volume dilatometer for thermal expansion in liquid mixtures, J. Indian Inst. Sci., 1974, 56, 193. [all data]
Viswanathan, B.; Govindarajan, K.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical behavior of specific heat and coexistence curve in the binary liquid system methanol + heptane, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 1973, 11, 157. [all data]
Ramachandra, R.; Nagarajan, N.; Subramanyam, S.V.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical behavior of thermal expansion of binary liquid system methanol + n-heptane in Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 16th, 16C, 244-6, 1973. [all data]
Govindarajan, K.; Viswanathan, B.; Gopal, E.S.R., The heat capacity of liquid carbon disulfide + acetonitrile, expecially near the upper critical solution temperature, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1973, 5, 73. [all data]
Sekhar, P.C.; Subramanyam, S.V.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the phase boundary of the binary liquid system acetic anhydride + cyclohexane in Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 16th., 199-203, 1972. [all data]
Lele, M.V.; Subramanyam, S.V.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the coexistence curve of the binary liquid system, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1971, 11, 542-544. [all data]
Gambhir, R.D.; Viswanathan, B.; Gopal, E.S.R., Specific Heat and Coexistence Curve near the Critical Point of the Carbon Disulphide-Methanol System, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 1971, 9, 787-792. [all data]
Gopal, E.S.R.; Gambhir, R.D.; Govindarajan, K.; Viswanathan, B., A vacuum adiabatic calorimeter for specific heat studies in liquid mixtures, especially in the critical region, J. Indian Inst. Sci., 1971, 53, 355. [all data]
Viswanathan, B.; Gambhir, R.D.; Gopal, E.S.R., Coexistence curve of the binary liquid system methanol + carbon disulphide, J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 53, 4405. [all data]
Viswanathan, B.; Govindarajan, K.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the specific heat of the binary liquid mixture methanol + heptane, Proc. Symp. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys., 15th, 1970, 1970, Vol. 3, 293. [all data]
Lele, M.V.; Subramanyam, S.V.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the coexistence curve of the carbon disulfide + acetic anhydride system in Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 15th, 303-307, 1970. [all data]
Govindarajan, K.; Gambhir, R.D.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the binary liquid system carbon disulfide + acetonitrile coexistence curve, Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 15th, 287-92, 1970. [all data]
Viswanathan, B.; Gambhir, R.D.; Gopal, E.S.R.; Lele, M.V., Critical phenomena in the binary system carbon disulfide + methanol, coexistence curve, Proc. Symp. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys., 14th, 1969, 1969, Vol. 3, 211-5. [all data]
Gambhir, R.D.; Viswanathan, B.; Gopal, E.S.R., Critical phenomena in the binary system carbon disulfide + methanol: behavior of specific heat in Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., India, Vol. III, 207-10, 1969. [all data]
Gopal, E.S.R.; Viswanathan, B., J. Sci. Ind. Res., 1969, 28, 6, 204-14. [all data]