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3 matching references were found.

Vermeulen, C.; Pellaud, J.; Gijs, L.; Collin, S., Combinatorial synthesis and sensorial properties of polyfunctional thiols, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2001, 49, 11, 5445-5449, . [all data]

Gijs, L.; Piraprez, G.; Perpète, P.; Spinnler, E.; Collin, S., Retention of sulfur flavours by food matrix and determination of sensorial data independent of the medium composition, Food Chem., 2000, 69, 3, 319-330, . [all data]

Gijs, L.; Chevanese, F.; Jerkovic, V.; Collin, S., How low pH can intensify beta-damascenone and dimethyl trisulfide production through beer aging, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2002, 50, 20, 5612-5616, . [all data]