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13 matching references were found.

Shaw; Gibbs, Phys. Rev., 1934, 45, 124. [all data]

Audrieth, L.F.; Gibbs, C.F., Inorg. Synth., 1939, 1, 77. [all data]

Brooks, W.B.; Gibbs, G.B.; McKetta, J.J., Mutual solubilities of light hydrocarbon - water systems, Pet. Refin., 1951, 30, 10, 118. [all data]

Lapatovich, W.P.; Gibbs, G.R.; Proud, J.M., Bound-free emission in HgBr, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1982, 41, 786-788. [all data]

Gibbs, H.D., Para-cresol. a new method of separating para-cresol from its isomers and a study of the boiling point., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1927, 49, 839-44. [all data]

Gibbs, H.D., Phenol Tests, J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 72, 649-655. [all data]

Gibbs, H.D., The Boiling-Point of Ammonia, Methyl Amine, Methyl Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1905, 27, 851. [all data]

Moore, R.J.; Gibbs, P.; Eyring, H., Structure of the liquid state and viscosity of hydrocarbons, J. Phys. Chem., 1953, 57, 172-8. [all data]

Shapiro, C.V.; Gibbs, R.C.; Laubengayer, A.W., Absorption band spectra of germanous sulfide: the isotopic constitution of germanium, Phys. Rev., 1932, 40, 354. [all data]

Orndroff, W.R.; Gibbs, R.C.; McNulty, S.A.; Shapiro, C.V., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1928, 50, 831. [all data]

Van Ness, H.C.; Byer, S.M.; Gibbs, R.E., Vapor-liquid equilibrium: part 1. an appraisal of data reduction methods, AIChE J., 1973, 19, 238-44. [all data]

Byer, S.M.; Gibbs, R.E.; Van Ness, H.C., Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Part II. Correlations from P-x Data for 15 Systems, AIChE J., 1973, 19, 245. [all data]

Gibbs, R.E.; Van Ness, H.C., Vapor-liquid equilibria from total-pressure measurements a new apparatus, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 1972, 11, 410. [all data]