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14 matching references were found.
Kuznetsov, M.A.; Kharin, V.E.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, M.D., Isobaric heat capacity of n-alkanes C7 to C10 at temperatures 293 to 630 K and pressures up to 60 MPa, Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zabed., Neft i Gaz, 1988, 31(11), 49-52. [all data]
Aleksandrov, I.S.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, B.A., Using Fundamental Equations of State for Calculating the Thermodynamic Properties of Normal Undecane, Therm. Eng., 2011, 58, 8, 691-698, . [all data]
Grigor'ev, B.A.; Rastorguev, Yu.L.; Kurumov, D.S.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Kharin, V.E.; Plotnikov, S.A., Thermodynamic properties of n-pentane, Int. J. Thermophys., 1990, 11, 487-502. [all data]
Kuznetsov, M.A.; Kharin, V.E.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, B.A., Isobaric heat capacity of liquid C7-10 n-alkanes at 293-630 K and pressures up to 60 MPa, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1988, 31, 49. [all data]
Grigor'ev, B.A.; Rastorguev, Yu.L.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Kurumov, D.S.; Plotnikov, S.A., Thermodynamic properties of n-hexane, Int. J. Thermophys., 1988, 9, 439. [all data]
Kharin, V.E.; Grigor'ev, B.A.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Rastorguev, Yu.L., Experimental study of the isobaric heat capacity of n-pentane at 293-697 K at pressures up to 60 MPa, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1985, 28, 10, 54. [all data]
Grigor'ev, B.A.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Kharin, V.E.; Rastorguev, Yu.L., Heat Capacity of n-Pentane in Liquid and Vapor Phases Including the Critical Region, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1985, 17, 317-24. [all data]
Grigor'ev, B.A.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Kharin, V.E., Calculation of specific heat at constant volume of n-hexane in liqui and vapor phases in Izokhor. Teploemkost Tekhn. Vazhn. Zhidk., 2 Vses. Semi- nar, Meet dt. 1982, Makhachkala, Sent., p 94, 1984. [all data]
Grigor'ev, B.A.; Gerasimov, A.A.; Kurumov, D.S.; Vasil'ev, Yu.L., Study of thermodynamic properties of hexane along the saturation line in Ul'trazvuk Termodin. Svoistva Veshchestva, Otpushchenn- ikov, N. F., Ed., Kursk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst.: Kursk, USSR, p 22, 1983. [all data]
Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, B.A., Isobaric heat capacity of n-hexane in the critical region, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 1983, 21, 471. [all data]
Gerasimov, A.A., Study of Cp of n-Hexane in the Region of Heat Capacity Maximum, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1980, 23, 61. [all data]
Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, B.A.; Rastorguev, Yu.L., Isobaric Heat Capacity of n-Hexane at Subcritical Pressures, Izv. Sev.-Kavk. Nauchn. Tsentra Vyssh. Shk., Tekh. Nauki, 1979, 7, 72. [all data]
Gerasimov, A.A.; Grigor'ev, B.A., Experimental study of the isobaric heat capacity of n-hexane., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1978, 21, 5, 46. [all data]
Gubareva, A.I.; Gerasimov, A.P.; Geidarova, E.L.; Tarbeeva, N.A., Thermodynamic properties of semi-produsts of synthesis of C vitamine in Vses. Konf. Khim. Term. Kalorim. 13th, Krasnoyarsk, p 94, 1991. [all data]