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4 matching references were found.

Gasparyan; Akopyan, Dokl. - Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, 1956, 23, 1, 17. [all data]

Tatevosyan, A.V.; Vardanyan, V.D.; Stepanyan, M.N.; Gasparyan, G.S., Liquid-vapor equilibrium of binary systems of ethylidene diacetate with acetic acid, acetic anhydride, vinyl acetate, and methyl acetat, Arm. Khim. Zh., 1986, 39, 720. [all data]

Kandalova, V.A.; Aleksandrova, M.V.; Arushan'yants, B.M.; Gasparyan, L.A., Liquid-vapor phase equilibrium in binary systems, Uch. Zap., Eravan. Gos Univ., 1968, No. 3, 191-4. [all data]

Mkryan, G.M.; Mkrtchyan, A.M.; Gasparyan, S.M., Unsaturated Compounds III. Effect of Temperature on the Ratio Between The Normal and Isomeric Substitution Produces in the Reaction of β,γ -Unsaturated Halogen Derivatives with the Grignar, Zh. Org. Khim., 1967, 12, 2055-71. [all data]