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Author: | Gasanov, R. |
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4 matching references were found.
Gasanov, R.G., Opt. Spektrosk., 1967, 3, 76. [all data]
Gasanov, R.G., Shows rate of migration ovf c1 to primary c is very facile (log k = 13.0 - 8/theta) card, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.), 1980, 29, 1583. [all data]
Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Gasanov, R.K.; Bazaev, E.A.; Ramazanova, A.E., Experimental investigation of the PVTx-properties of n-heptane in supercritical water, High Temp. (Engl. Transl.), 1996, 34, 681-687. [all data]
Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E.; Gasanov, R.K., Experimental study of the PVTX-properties of the binary system carbon dioxide-water in the supercritical range in Phys. Chem. Aqueous Syst., Proc. Int. Conf. Prop. Water Steam, 12th, White, H. J., Ed., Begell House: New York, p 558-64, 1995. [all data]