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10 matching references were found.

Fulara, J.; Nagy, A.; Garkusha, I.; Maier, J.P., Higher energy electronic transitions of HC[sub 2n+1]H[sup +] (n=2--7) and HC[sub 2n+1]H (n=4--7) in neon matrices, J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 133, 2, 024304, . [all data]

Garkusha, I.; Fulara, J.; Nagy, A.; Maier, J.P., Electronic Transitions of Protonated Benzene and Fulvene, and of C, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 42, 14979, . [all data]

Garkusha, I.; Nagy, A.; Guennoun, Z.; Maier, J.P., Electronic absorption spectrum of titanium dioxide in neon matrices, Chem. Phys., 2008, 353, 1-3, 115, . [all data]

Maier, J.P.; Walker, G.A.H.; Bohlender, D.A.; Mazzotti, F.J.; Raghunandan, R.; Fulara, J.; Garkusha, I.; Nagy, A., IDENTIFICATION OF H, Astrophys. J., 2011, 726, 1, 41, . [all data]

Shnitko, I.; Fulara, J.; Garkusha, I.; Nagy, A.; Maier, J.P., Electronic transitions of and in neon matrixes, Chem. Phys., 2008, 346, 1-3, 8, . [all data]

Garkusha, L.N.; Sperkach, V.S.; Cholpan, P.F., Acoustic properties, density, and viscosity of n-alkanes and their solutions, Fiz. Zhidk. Sostoyaniya, 1990, No. 18, 73-80. [all data]

Cholpan, P.F.; Sperkach, V.S.; Garkusha, L.N., Propagation of Ultrasound Waves in Isoviscous Solutions of n-Paraffins, Fiz. Zhidk. Sostoyaniya, 1981, 9, 79. [all data]

Sperkach, V.S.; Garkusha, L.N.; Krasnikov, V.I.; Cholpan, P.F., Study of equilibrium properties of n-paraffin solutions, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1980, 23, 3, 16-18. [all data]

Cholpan, P.F.; Garkusha, L.N., Study of isoviscous substances in a group of linear paraffins, Fiz. Zhidk. Sostoyaniya, 1978, 6, 95-8. [all data]

Aleksanyan, V.T.; Garkusha, O.G., Analysis of the vibrational spectra of cyclobutane, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1976, No. 10, 2227. [all data]