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83 matching references were found.

Moles; Gomez, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1912, 80, 513. [all data]

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Flores Luque, V.; Gomez Herrera, C.; Galan Vallejo, M.; Sancho Gonzalez, A.M., Physicochemical studies concerning mixtures of vegetable oils. VIII. Molar volume, molar refraction, and viscosity of methyl laurate solutions in hexane, cyclohexane, trichloroethylene, or tetrachlor, Grasas Aceites (Seville), 1983, 34, 95-100. [all data]

Ewert de G.; Gomez O., Autoassociation of benzene and toluene in a cyclohexane solution, Rev. Colomb. Quim., 1989, 16, 9. [all data]

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Minana Aznar, A.; Ruiz Gimeno, J.; Gomez Perez, D.; Gomez Carrasco, J.L., Density and excess volume of alkylpyridine-water systems, Afinidad, 1984, 41, 355. [all data]

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Martínez, Fleming; Ávila, Carolina M.; Gómez, Alfredo, Thermodynamic study of the solubility of some sulfonamides in cyclohexane, J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 2003, 14, 5, 803-808, . [all data]

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Gómez, E.; Laencina, J.; Martinez, A., Vinification Effects on Changes in Volatile Compounds of Wine, J. Food Sci., 1994, 59, 2, 406-409, . [all data]

Gómez, E.; Ledbetter, C.A.; Hartsell, P.L., Volatile compounds in apricot, plum, and their interspecific hybrids, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1993, 41, 10, 1669-1676, . [all data]

Gomez, E.; Ledbetter, C.A., Comparative study of the aromatic profiles of two different plum species: Prunus salicina Lindl and Prunus simonii L., J. Sci. Food Agric., 1994, 65, 1, 111-115, . [all data]

Taylor, T.R.; Asmis, K.R.; Gomez, H.; Neumark, D.M., Vibrationally resolved anion photoelectron spectra of the low- lying electronic states of GaP2-, Ga2P-, and Ga2P3-, Eur. Phys. J. D, 1999, 9, 1, 317-321, . [all data]

Liu, Z.; Gomez, H.; Neumark, D.M., Transition state spectroscopy of the I+HI reaction in clusters: Photoelectron spectroscopy of IHI-center dot Ar-n (n=1-15), Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc., 2001, 118, 221-232, . [all data]

Taylor, T.R.; Gomez, H.; Asmis, K.R.; Neumark, D.M., Photoelectron spectroscopy of GaX2-, Ga2X-, Ga2X2-, and Ga2X3- (X=P,As), J. Chem. Phys., 2001, 115, 10, 4620-4631, . [all data]

Gomez, H.; Taylor, T.R.; Neumark, D.M., Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of I-2(-)(CO2)(n)(n=1-8) clusters, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 116, 14, 6111-6117, . [all data]

Gomez, H.; Taylor, T.R.; Zhao, Y.; Neumark, D.M., Spectroscopy of the low-lying states of the group III-V diatomics, AlP, GaP, InP, and GaAs via anion photodetachment spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 117, 19, 8644-8656, . [all data]

Gomez, H.; Taylor, T.R.; Neumark, D.M., Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of aluminum phosphide clusters, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2001, 105, 28, 6886-6893, . [all data]

Gomez, H.; Taylor, T.R.; Neumark, D.M., Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Aluminum Phosphide Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2001, 105, 28, 6886, . [all data]

Taylor, T.R.; Asmis, K.R.; Gomez, H.; Neumark, D.M., Vibrationally resolved anion photoelectron spectra of the low-lying electronic states of GaP2-, Ga2P-, and Ga2P3-, Eur. Phys. J. D, 1999, 9, 1, 317, . [all data]

Taylor, T.R.; Gomez, H.; Asmis, K.R.; Neumark, D.M., Photoelectron spectroscopy of GaX[sub 2][sup -], Ga[sub 2]X[sup -], Ga[sub 2]X[sub 2][sup -], and Ga[sub 2]X[sub 3][sup -](X=P,As), J. Chem. Phys., 2001, 115, 10, 4620, . [all data]

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García, C.; Tiedra, P.G.; Ruano, A.; Gómez, J.A.; Garcia-Villanova, R.J., Evaluation of the liquid-liquid extraction technique and application of the determination of volatile halo-organic compounds in chlorinated water, J. Chromatogr., 1992, 605, 2, 251-255, . [all data]

Gomez, L.A.T.; Sabbah, R., Thermodynamique de substances soufrees. IV. Etude thermochimique de la thiouree, de la thiosemicarbazide et de la thiocarbohydrazide, Thermochim. Acta, 1982, 57, 67-81. [all data]

Gomez, L.A.T.; Sabbah, R., Thermodynamique de substances azotees. IX. Etude thermochimique de la benzamide. Comparaison des grandeurs energetiques liees a la structure de quelques amides et thioamides, Thermochim. Acta, 1982, 58, 311-315. [all data]

Sabbah, R.; Gomez, L.A.T., Thermodynamique de substances soufrees. III. Etude thermochimique de la thioacetamide et de la thiobenzamide, Thermochim. Acta, 1982, 52, 285-295. [all data]

Sabbah, R.; Gomez, L.A.T., Thermochim. Acta, 1982, 52, 285. [all data]

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Gomez, L.A.T.; Sabbah, R., Thermochim. Acta, 1982, 58, 311. [all data]

Gomez, M.; Chatillon, C.; Allibert, M., Thermodynamics of gaseous and condensed indium oxides by mass spectrometry with controlled oxygen oressure, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1982, 14, 447. [all data]

Pablo Lamas, J.; Salgado-Petinal, C.; García-Jares, C.; Llompart, M.; Cela, R.; Gómez, M., Solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in environmental water, J. Chromatogr. A, 2004, 1046, 1-2, 241-247, . [all data]

Durana, N.; Navazo, M.; Alonso, L.; García, J.A.; Ilardia, J.L.; Gómez, M.C.; Gangoiti, G., Online hourly determination of 62 VOCs in ambient air: system evaluation and comparison with another two analytical techniques, J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc., 2002, 52, 10, 1176-1185, . [all data]

Villacreces, I.L.; Gomez, M.F.; Gonzales, J.J.L.; Espinosa, A.C., A study of series of force constants in the B3u and B2g symmetry species of s-tetrazine, using the display method, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1987, 43, 1257. [all data]

Ferrer, C.; Gómez, M.J.; García-Reyes, J.F.; Ferrer, I.; Thurman, E.M.; Fernández-Alba, A.R., Determination of pesticide residues in olives and olive oil by matrix solid-phase dispersion followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. A, 2005, 1069, 2, 183-194, . [all data]

Gómez, N.E.; Witte, L.; Hartmann, T., Chemical defense in larval tortoise beetles: essential oil composition of fecal shields of Eurypedus nigrosignata and foliage of its host plant, Cordia curassavica, J. Chem. Ecol., 1999, 25, 5, 1007-1027, . [all data]

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Alfonso, Luis; Gomez, Torres; Sabbah, Raphaël, Thermodynamique de substances soufrees. IV. Etude thermochimique de la thiouree, de la thiosemicarbazide et de la thiocarbohydrazide, Thermochimica Acta, 1982, 57, 1, 67-81, . [all data]

Palá-Paúl, J.; Pérez-Alonso, M.J.; Velasco-Negueruela, A.; Ramos-Vázquez, P.; Gómez-Contreras, F.; Sanz, J., Essential oil of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarinifolia: first isolation of capillene, a diacetylene derivative, Flavour Fragr. J., 1999, 14, 2, 131-134,<131::AID-FFJ794>3.0.CO;2-7 . [all data]

Blanco, A.; García-Abuín, A.; Gómez-Díaz, D.; Navaza, J.M.; Villaverde, Ó.L., Density, Speed of Sound, Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Excess Volume of N-Ethyl-2-pyrrolidone + Ethanolamine (or Diethanolamine or Triethanolamine) from T = (293.15 to 323.15) K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2013, 58, 3, 653-659, . [all data]

López, A.B.; García-Abuín, A.; Gómez-Díaz, D.; La Rubia, M.D.; Navaza, J.M., Density, Speed of Sound, Viscosity, Refractive Index and Surface Tension of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone + Diethanolamine (or Triethanolamine) from T = (293.15 to 323.15) K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 2013, 61, 1-6, . [all data]

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Nunez, L.; Barral, L.; Gomez-Orellana, I.; Ramil-Rio, P.E.; Paz Andrade, M.I., Excess molar enthalpies at 298.15 K of (ethyl acetate + n-butylmethylamine or di-n-propylamine or di-n-butylamine) and of (ethyl propionate + n-butylmethylamine or di-n-propylamine or di-n-butylamine, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1989, 21, 739. [all data]

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Fernández-Ocaña, A.M.; Gómez-Rodríguez, M.V.; Velasco-Negueruela, A.; Camacho-Simarro, A.M.; Fernández-López, C.; Altarejos, J., In vivo antifungal activity of the essential oil of Bupleurum gibraltarium against plasmopara halstedii in sunflower, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2004, 52, 21, 6414-6417, . [all data]

Gómez-Ruiz, J.Á.; Ballesteros, C.; González Viñas, M.Á.; Cabezas, L.; Martínez-Castro, I., Relationships between volatile compounds and odour in Manchego cheese: comparison between artisanal and industrial cheeses at different ripening times, Lait, 2002, 82, 5, 613-628, . [all data]

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Fernandez-Segovia, I.; Escriche, I.; Gomez-Sintes, M.; Fuentes, A.; Serra, J.A., In?uence of di?erent preservation treatments on the volatile fraction of desalted cod, Food Chem., 2006, 98, 3, 473-482, . [all data]