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Author:Friedel, P.

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2 matching references were found.

Friedel, P.; Krampl, V.; Radford, T.; Renner, J.A.; Shephard, F.W.; Gianturco, M.A., Some constituents of the aroma complex of coffee, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1971, 19, 3, 530-532, . [all data]

Bondarovich, H.A.; Friedel, P.; Krampl, V.; Renner, J.A.; Shephard, F.W.; Gianturco, M.A., Volatile constituents of coffee. Pyrazines and other compounds, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1967, 15, 6, 1093-1099, . [all data]