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8 matching references were found.

Foz Gazulla, O.R.; Morcilio, J.; Perez-Masia, A.; Mendes, A., Anales Real Soc. Espan. Fis. Quim. (Madrid), 1955, 50B, 23. [all data]

Foz Gazulla, O.R.; Morcilla, J.; Perez Masia, A.; Mendez, A., Compressibilities of the vapor of several alcohols. II Discussion of result, An. R. Soc. Esp. Fis. Quim., Ser. B, 1954, 50, 23. [all data]

Foz Gazulla, O.R.; Morcilla, J.; Mendez, A., Compressibilities of the vapor of several alcohols. I Exptl. determination determination, An. R. Soc. Esp. Fis. Quim., Ser. B, 1954, 50, 17-22. [all data]

Foz Gazulla, O.R.; Banda, J.F.G.; Perez Masia, A., Molecular Association in Alcohol Vapors, Z. Elektrochem., 1952, 56, 569. [all data]

Schaefer, K.; Foz Gazulla, O.R., The pressure dependence of the heat conduction and formation of double molecules in ethyl chloride, Z. Phys. Chem., Abt. B, 1942, 52, 299-314. [all data]

Schafer, K. (see schaef k); Foz Gazulla, O.R., Anales Fis. Quim., 1942, 38, 316-46. [all data]

Foz, O.R.; Morcilla, J., Compressibility and association in acetic acid vapor. I. experimental determination., An. R. Soc. Espan. Fis. Quim., Ser. A, 1949, 45, 503-24. [all data]

Foz, O.R.; Vidal, J.M.; Morcilla, J., Experimental techniques for the determination of virial coefficients of vapors at pressures near one atmosphere, An. R. Soc. Esp. Fis. Quim., Ser. B, 1948, 54, 1263. [all data]