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Author: | Fogg, P.G. |
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4 matching references were found.
Fogg, P.G.T., , D. Phil. Thesis, 1953. [all data]
Fogg, P.G.T., Solubility data. Carbon dioxide-halogen-containing compound systems in Solubility Data Ser., 50(Carbon Dioxide Non-Aqueous Solv- ents Pressures Less Than 200 KPA, Fogg, Ed., Pergamon: New York, 255-301, 1992. [all data]
Fogg, P.G.T.; Lambert, J.D., Ultrasonic dispersion in halo-ethylene vapors., Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 1955, 232, 537. [all data]
Fogg, P.G.T.; Hanks, P.A.; Lambert, J.D., Ultrasonic dispersion in halo-methane vapors., Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 1953, 219, 490. [all data]