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Author:Fisher, M.

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4 matching references were found.

Fisher, M.E., Rep. Prog. Phys., 1967, 30, 615-730. [all data]

Fisher, M.E.; Levin, Y., Criticality in ionic fluids: Debye-Hueckel theory, Bjerrum, and beyond, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1993, 71, 3826-9. [all data]

Fisher, M.E., Specific heat of a gas near the critical point, Phys. Rev. [Sect.] A, 1964, 136, 1599-604. [all data]

Fisher, M.E.; Milton, G.W., Classifying first-order phase transitions, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1986, 138, 22. [all data]