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Author:Filipov, L.

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4 matching references were found.

Filipov, L.P., Description of the Properties of Liquids in Terms of Similarity Theory. VII Approximate Calculations of the Critical Constants and the Cailletet- Mathias Rule, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1963, 37, 100. [all data]

Filipov, L.P., Dimensional Analysis in the Description of the Properties of Liquids III. Preliminary Computations on the Critical Pressures of Saturated Vapors and Orthobaric Densities, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1957, 31, 1999-2003. [all data]

Filipov, L.P.; Kravchun, S.N.; Tleubaev, A.S.; Laushkina, L.A., Determination of the Heat Capacities of Alkanes by A Method Based on the Periodic Heating of a Cylinderical Probe in Probl. Kalorim. Khim. Termodin., Dokl. Vses. Konf., 10th Vol. 2, 424, Edited by Emanuel, 1984. [all data]

Filipov, L.P.; Laushkina, L.A., Study of Thernmal Conductance and Heat Capacity of Liquids I. Ismers of Alkanes, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1984, 58, 1067. [all data]