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7 matching references were found.
Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Study of the Viscosity of Some Methane-Series Freons, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, 234, 90-95. [all data]
Filatov, N.Ya.; Skopintsev, E.V.; Stepanov, S.A., Study of vapor-liquid equilibrium in a Freon 13-helium binary mixtur, Nauch. Tr. Mosk. Energ. In-t, 1985, No. 72, 161-72. [all data]
Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Viscosity Investigation of Freons R-14, R-21, R-23, and R-113 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshch. Mater., V. A. Rabinovich Ed. Collect. 14, 24-32, 1980. [all data]
Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental investigation of viscosity of some methane row refrigerants, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1975, No. 234, 90-5. [all data]
Rasskazov, D.S.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Investigation of the Viscosity of Freon 23 in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol. No. 8, V. A. Rabinovich, Ed., Standards Publ., Moscos, 1975. [all data]
Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Investigation of Viscosity of Refrigerants-14, 21, 23, Ph.D. Dissertation, Energ. Inst., Moscow, 1975. [all data]
Rasskazov, D.C.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Filatov, N.Ya., Experimental Investigation of Viscosity of Refrigerant R-23, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1974, No. 179, 62-9. [all data]