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2 matching references were found.

Eberhardt, W.; Stohr, J.; Feldhaus, J.; Plummer, E.W.; Sette, F., Correlation between electron emission and fragmentation into ions following soft-x-ray excitation of the N2 molecule, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1983, 51, 2370-2373. [all data]

Reimer, A.; Schirmer, J.; Feldhaus, J.; Bradshaw, A.M.; Becker, U.; Kerkhoff, H.G.; Langer, B.; Szostak, D.; Wehlitz, R.; Braun, W., Near-threshold measurements of the C 1s satellites in the photoelectron spectrum of CO, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1986, 57, 1707-1710. [all data]