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4 matching references were found.

Ertugrul, K.; Dural, H.; Tugay, O.; Flamini, G.; Cioni, P.L.; Morelli, I., Essential oils from flowers of Centaurea kotschyi var. kotschyi and C. kotschyi var. decumbens from Turkey, Flavour Fragr. J., 2003, 18, 2, 95-97, . [all data]

Dural, H.; Bagci, Y.; Ertugrul, K.; Demirelma, H.; Flamini, G.; Cioni, P.L.; Morelli, I., Essential oil composition of two endemic Centaurea species from Turkey, Centaurea mucronifera and Centaurea chrysantha, collected in the same habitat, Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 2003, 31, 12, 1417-1425, . [all data]

Flamini, G.; Ertugrul, K.; Cioni, P.L.; Morelli, I.; Dural, H.; Bagci, Y., Volatile constituents of two endemic Centaurea species from Turkey: C. pseudoscabiosa subsp. pseudoscabiosa and C. hadimensis, Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 2002, 30, 10, 953-959, . [all data]

Flamini, G.; Tebano, M.; Cioni, P.L.; Bagci, Y.; Dural, H.; Ertugrul, K.; Uysal, T.; Savran, A., A multivariate statistical approach to Centaurea classification using essential oil composition data of some species from Turkey, Pl. Syst. Evol., 2006, 261, 1-4, 217-228, . [all data]