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Author: | Elkaim, G. |
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3 matching references were found.
Rollet, A.-P.; Toledano, P.; Elkaim, G.; Senez, M., Ebulliometry of volatile solutes: II study of binaries benzene + toluene, benzene + dichloroethane and dichloroethane + toluene, Publ. Sci. Univ. Alger, Ser. B, 1957, 2, 403-25. [all data]
Rollet, A.-P.; Toledano, P.; Elkaim, G.; Senez, M., Ebulliometry of volatile solutions: II. benzene + toluene, benzene + dichloroethane and dichloroethane + toluene systems, Publ. Sci. Univ. Alger, Ser. B, 1956, 2, 403. [all data]
Rollet, A.-P.; Elkaim, G.; Toledano, P.; Senez, M., Vapor-liquid equilibrium for the benzene + toluene system, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., 1956, 242, 2560-3. [all data]