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Author:Dyer, M.

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10 matching references were found.

Helm, H.; Huestis, D.L.; Dyer, M.J.; Lorents, D.C., Observation of the C(3/2) ← X(1/2) transition in XeF, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 3220-3226. [all data]

Slanger, T.G.; Bischel, W.K.; Dyer, M.J., Nascent NO vibrational distribution from 2485 Å NO2 photodissociation, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 2231-2240. [all data]

Slanger, T.G.; Bischel, W.K.; Dyer, M.J., Photoexcitation of O2 at 249.3 nm, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1984, 108, 472-474. [all data]

Copeland, R.A.; Dyer, M.J.; Crosley, D.R., Rotational-level-dependent quenching of A2Σ+ OH and OD, J. Chem. Phys., 1985, 82, 4022-4032. [all data]

Bischel, W.K.; Dyer, M.J., Temperature dependence of the Raman linewidth and line shift for the Q(1) and Q(0) transitions in normal and para-H2, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1986, 33, 3113-3123. [all data]

Herring, G.C.; Dyer, M.J.; Bischel, W.K., Temperature and density dependence of the linewidths and line shifts of the rotational Raman lines in N2 and H2, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1986, 34, 1944-1951. [all data]

Herring, G.C.; Dyer, M.J.; Bischel, W.K., Temperature and wavelength dependence of the rotational Raman gain coefficient in N2, Opt. Lett., 1986, 11, 348-350. [all data]

Rensberger, K.J.; Dyer, M.J.; Copeland, R.A., Time-resolved CH (A2Δ and B2Σ-) laser-induced fluorescence in low pressure hydrocarbon flames, Appl. Opt., 1988, 27, 3679-3689. [all data]

Dyer, M.J.; Bischel, W.K., Optical Stark shift spectroscopy: measurement of the v = 1 polarizability in H2, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1991, 44, 3138-3143. [all data]

Helm, H.; Dyer, M.J.; Bissantz, H., Simplification of photoelectron spectra of H2 in intense laser fields, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1991, 67, 1234-1237. [all data]