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Author:Duran, J.

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3 matching references were found.

Duran, J.L.; Thinh, T.P.; Ramalho, R.S.; Kaliaguine, S.C., Predict heat capacity more accurately, Hydrocarbon Process., 1976, 55, 8, 153. [all data]

Thinh, T.P.; Duran, J.L.; Ramalho, R.S.; Kaliaguine, S.C., Equations Improve Cp Predictions, Hydrocarbon Process., 1971, 50, 1, 98. [all data]

Duran, J.L.; Kaliaguine, S.C., Application of the wilson equation for estimating the enthalpy of mixing, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 1971, 49, 278. [all data]