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Author:Drabe, K.

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5 matching references were found.

Drabe, K.E.; De Groot, A.A.; van Voorst, J.D.W., Noble-gas broadening of an optical transition of I2 measured by coherent transients. II. Three-pulse stimulated photon echo experiments, Chem. Phys., 1985, 99, 121-134. [all data]

Drabe, K.E.; Langelaar, J.; Bebelaar, D.; van Voorst, J.D.W., Noble gas broadening of an optical transition of I2 measured by coherent transients. I. Two-pulse delayed emission experiments, Chem. Phys., 1985, 97, 411-420. [all data]

Drabe, K.E.; van Voorst, J.D.W., Noble-gas broadening of an optical transition of I2 measured by coherent transients. III. Two-pulse photon echo and free induction decay, Chem. Phys., 1985, 99, 135-153. [all data]

Koenders, B.G.; Drabe, K.E.; De Lange, C.A., Photoelectron spectroscopic study of resonant multiphoton ionisation of atomic and molecular bromine, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1987, 138, 1-7. [all data]

Koenders, B.G.; Koeckhoven, S.M.; Kuik, G.J.; Drabe, K.E.; de Lange, C.A., Photoelectron spectroscopic studies of multiphoton processes in molecular chlorine involving the 21Πg Rydberg state, J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 91, 6042-6051. [all data]