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3 matching references were found.
Clou, K.; Janssens, J.F.; Blaton, N.; Lenstra, A.T.H.; Desseyn, H.O., Influence of hydrogen bonding on the thermal behaviour of some amides and thioamides, Thermochimica Acta, 2003, 398, 1-2, 47-58, . [all data]
Thorton, D.A.; Verhoeven, P.F.M.; Watkins, G.M.; Desseyn, H.O.; Van Der Veken, B.J., Isotope labelling studies of some aromatic n-oxides - part II. a full vibrational assignment of the infrared and raman spectra (4000-50 CM-1) of pyrazine n-oxide and its fully deuterated analogue., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 1991, 100, 211-220. [all data]
Thornton, D.A.; Verhoeven, P.F.M.; Watkins, G.M.; Desseyn, H.O.; Van Der Veken, B.J., Isotope labeling studies of some aromatic N-oxides-I. A full vibrational assignment of the infrared and Raman spectra (4000-50 cm-1) of pyrazine N, N'-dioxide and its fully deuterated analog, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1990, 46, 1439-51. [all data]