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5 matching references were found.

Denisov, I.V.; Karavaeva, A.P.; Bobylev, B.N.; Rumyantseva, T.K.D.M.V.; Demidova, M.V., Study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium in binary systems formed by di-tert-butyl peroxide with tert-butyl and allyl alcohols, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad), 1986, 59, 2573. [all data]

Pashkov, L.T.; Demidova, O.L.; Makedonskaya, L.N., Method for calculating the equilibrium composition of a mixture of ideal gases, Mezhved. Temat. Sb.-Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1983, 20, 85-90. [all data]

Bakhtyukhova, G.N.; Demidova, Y.A.; Kir'yakov. V.N.; Usyukin, I.P.; Shleinikov, V.M., Freezing points of aqueous acetone, methyl alcohol, and n-methylpyrrolidone solutions, J. Appl. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1967, 40, 592. [all data]

Demidova, Y.A.; Usyukin, I.P.; Shleinikov, V.M., Phase equilibria of the system n-methylpyrrolidone + carbon dioxide under increased pressure, Neftepererab. Neftekhim. (Moscow), 1966, No. 12, 36. [all data]

Demidova, Y.A.; Shleinikov, V.M., Phase equilibrium of the acetylene + carbon dioxide + nitrogen + n- methylpyrrolidone system in the 20 to -20 c range, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 1972, No. 15, 1000-3. [all data]