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Author: | DeJaeger |
2 matching references were found.
Bougeard, D.; Bremard, C.; DeJaeger, R.; Lemmouchi, Y., Conformational stability and force field of chloromonophosphazenes: MNDO calculations, vibrational spectra and normal coordinate analyses of Cl3PNP( X)Cl2 (X = O, S) and [Cl3PNPCl3][Y] (Y = Cl, PCl6), Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1993, 49, 199-208. [all data]
Bougeard, D.; Bremard, C.; DeJaeger, R.; Lemmouchi, Y., Confirmation stability and force field of short-chain linear Chlorophosphaz enes: MNDO calculations, 31P NMR, vibrational spectra, and normal coordinate analyses of CI3PN(PCI2N)n P(O)CI2 and [CI3PN], J. Phys. Chem., 1992, 96, 8850-5. [all data]