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8 matching references were found.
De Soria, M.L.G.; Zurita, J.L.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Excess Thermodynamic Properties of the n-Pentane + Methylacetate System at 298.15 K, Thermochim. Acta, 1988, 130, 249. [all data]
Zurita, J.L.; De Soria, M.L.G.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Excess thermodynamic properties of the 2-propanol + dichloromethane system at, J. Solution Chem., 1987, 16, 163. [all data]
Zurita, J.L.; De Soria, M.L.G.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Excess thermodynamic properties of 2-propanol + n-pentane system at 298.15 K, Rev. Latinoam. Ing. Quim. Quim. Apl., 1987, 17, 93. [all data]
Zurita, J.L.; Postigo, M.A.; De Soria, M.L.G.; Katz, M., Vapor-liquid equilibrium for the n-pentane + methylacetate system at 298.15 K, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent., 1987, 75, 203. [all data]
Zurita, J.L.; De Soria, M.L.G.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Vapor-Liquid Equil. for the n-Pentane-Dichloromethane Sys. at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1986, 31, 389. [all data]
Postigo, M.A.; Zurita, J.L.; De Soria, M.L.G.; Katz, M., Excess thermodynamic properties of the n-pentanedichloromethane system at 298.15 K, Can. J. Chem., 1986, 64, 1966. [all data]
De Soria, M.L.G.; Zurita, J.L.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Magnetic Susceptability of Binary Non-electrolyte Mixtures, Monatsh. Chem., 1986, 117, 421-8. [all data]
De Soria, M.L.G.; Zurita, J.L.; Postigo, M.A.; Katz, M., Surface Tension of the n-Pentane + Dichloromethane System at 298.15K, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1985, 103, 354-359. [all data]